There comes a time in a man's life when his father decides to impart wisdom regarding the opposite sex. That moment happened for me over one too many bottles of soju:
"Son, if you want girl keep trying. Call all time. See her much as you can, do everything!"
I could see where my dad was coming from. After all, this philosophy also brought him success in his professional life.
However, an additional factor contributed to his business achievements:
When you're one of the few dry cleaners in the whole city, outworking everyone is almost a sure bet. Yet such a simple tactic is bound to fail today, since the competition has increased exponentially.
Imagine sprinting after your dog because you had the bright idea to bring him outside without a leash (for the first and last time). Saying you should just put in more effort would be like telling you to run faster.
You might win against a chihuahua, but you'll lose a foot race with a corgi every single time (speaking from experience here).
Instead, do what the crowd isn't doing. Change the rules and make your dog come to you.
Develop the traits that a future partner will find attractive. Differentiate yourself from the opposition by learning unique skills.
Think of yourself as a magnetic and less a participant in a game of tag, find a way to attract what you want instead of chasing after it.
Remember that work ethic only pays off if you have the right strategy.