It’s Just a Test
For about a year now, my friend Josh and I have held Zoom meetings. I think he would agree that these weekly rituals have become an important part of our lives.
As an indirect, or direct, result of our many discussions on the topic, Josh recently underwent a major life change - moving from Texas, his home base of many years, to Alaska of all places. The decision was driven partly by practicality (overcompetition, rising living expenses), partly by spirituality (visions, dreams).
But one thing surprised the both of us, even before he moved to Alaska. He'd been in contact with the community there and already there was this sense of unconditional acceptance, despite never having met him in person. And once he arrived, doors of opportunity instantly opened up to him.
There are two reactions when something like this happens. You either can't believe your good fortune and take it all in stride ... or you become hesitant.
You're cautious about the experience because you know there's no such thing as a "free lunch."
But it goes deeper than that.
"It can't be this easy," you say. "I haven't worked hard enough for it."
"I'm not good enough."
It's a statement based on fear and the closer you get to your most important work, your mission, your calling, the more intensely you will feel that fear. At that point you'll have two options - push through the resistance or spend the rest of your life being scared, never fulfilling your potential.
I know Josh will push through it. The fear he's feeling means he's on the right path and he deserves all the opportunities he's getting.
He's good enough and if you're reading this, so are you.
Take that leap.
Slay that dragon.
Smile while you're doing it.
And enjoy the good times, for there are surely rough challenges ahead. But you'll overcome them as long as you realize it's always happening for you.
Remember, it's all just a test.